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6:00 PM

1 mi


15:33 mi

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<No name>


Took yesterday off b/c of that pain in my foot day before last. Walked to JackRabbit to get new shoes. Store rep said the shoes I used to have last like 300m not the 400-500 I did on them (reminder, in the beginning I used to take long walks in them too, SO dumb). The new shoes I got were also Asics Gels since they felt more comfortable than the Saucony. They were in white and I asked him if they had them in a different color and he went to the back and they had last seasons shoes which were on sale! So I got them for $100 instead of $150. Very excite. Rested yesterday and have been icing with the green ball but apparently it was too soon. I couldn't really do anything today even though I was running super slow. Will see about tomorrow.
