Run: Tempo Previous Next


14.2 km


4:51 km


149 bpm
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brick run of 90km bike

transition - 4min

run: probably close to 200m of ascent - some steep hills, very little flat.

pace - 4:51/149 avg HR, 14.14km

time/pace/HR - notes

9:04/4:48/149 - up slightly

17:41/4:38/146 - down a lot

17:00/5:00/153 - up a lot

4:43/5:08/151 - up steady

2:17/4:30/145 - down

5:00/4:47/149 - almost dead flat just slight incline - targeting 150 HR

3:44/5:56/154 - big hill targeting 155 or below HR - cramp at 158 HR 11.5 km in

2:06/5:01/150 - down then up a bit more

4:00/4:47/149 - flat again targeting 150 HR

3:01/4:26/143 - down (cramp again for a moment, kept running an went away)

notes - probably went a little too hard on the bike, hence the slight cramping on the run. never felt uncomforable. only did about 2-3km of flat in the whole run, so more hilly than Kona

analysis: i think i should target a little bit easier on the bike and target 145-150 HR on the run - with nothing over 155. what do you think?
