Run: Long Previous Next


26.9 km


4:51 km

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<No name>


due to Hurricane Irene coming tomorrow (Sunday) in NYC, I had to push long run to Saturday, which made 3 longish runs in a row (17km (tempo), 21km, 27km). Good volume

ran from West Village to east side of manhatten, up 1st ave did mile 16-19 and 21-25 of NY Marathon course. good to mentally get through those parts o the course. good hill at mile 22-23 (not steep, but steady).

legs tired, warm and humid, rainy. legs flet very tired 1h40min in and had to rehydrate, felt better to finish ok at about 4:45/km for 3km at the end. legs were aching mainly in the quads, but I could still add the speed if I had to (racing).

plantar faciatis feeling pretty good. just minor tightness and some heel tightnesss.
