Run: Interval Previous Next


15 km


4:52 km


approx 28 degrees at elevation in joburg. couldn't find a flat run course, so did the best I could. Here are the results:

times for intervals are km times/HR

1:13 total time for 15km

2km warm up

1 - 3:49/154 (slightly uphill)

2 - 3:46/164 (slightly downhill)

3 - 5:44/136

4 - 3:40/161 (slightly downhill)

5 - 3:50/170 (slightly uphill)

6 - 6:06/135

7 - 4:00/161 (slightly uphill)

8 - 3:46/169 (slightly downhill)

9 - 6:23/137

10 - 4:05/162 (slightly uphill)

11 - 3:48/168 (slightly downhill)

12 - 6:00/136

1km cool down
