Run: Tempo Previous Next


15.7 km


4:16 km

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<No name>


down the Thames - uneven surface - gravel, grass, asphalt

5min warm up

16:02 tempo, 2min easy - 3:53/km slightly downhill

17:12 tempo, 2min easy - 3:57 first half (up) and 3:57second half (down)

16:15min tempo - 4:02pace for 10:10 up, then 3:59pace for 6:05 up

8min easy cool down

49min 29s tempo running total

solid run off hard hill session day before and 6 hand grenades at night

left hamstring a mild twinge in last 5 min of the tempo. keep an eye on it during long run sunday.

Training Plan Entry

16 km


3x18min tempo, 2min easy
