Run: Long Previous Next


30.5 km


4:38 km

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<No name>


Solid long run with Anthony Walsh, Michael Oz Osborn, Tucker Murphy, Simon Tavener. Uneven/trial/grass surfaces most of the way. bit of road at the end.

North through Port Meadow, then west towards Farmoor Resevoir, Cumnor, back into town.

Flat first half with some hills in the second half around Cumnor/Boar's hill. Guys were pushing to 4:15/4:20 on the flat as we were heading in and I asked them to slow up as that's near my marathon pace. Slowed up to 4:25/4:30 feeling comfortable there, still light on the feet.

Swim beforehand may have caused bit of tightness in the chest about 90min in for the last 50min.

Times/Average pace including slowdowns/stops for hopping over fences and getting through gates:

1:06:37, 4:41

17:58, 4:52

26:32, 4:25

29:04, 4:37
