Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:47 PM

14.1 km


4:32 km


good 4:30-pace (15s/km faster than IM target pace) brick run.

home cardiff, solana beach (lomas sante fe dr), past swamis. beatiful day and quite warm with light sea breeze. steep hill at beginning and end. some slight incline/decline throughout as indicated.

time/pace/avg HR

7:32/4:30/126 (all downhill - quite tight in ITB)

13:17/4:29/140 (some down, more up)

17:25/4:29/145 (some down, slightly more up)

8:13/4:30/148 (all up or flat)

5:04/4:26/149 (all slightly down)

4:17/4:24/147 (flat or down)

4:26/4:57/153 (up including part of steep hill)

21s/10:38/151 (steep hill - walking up)

3:02/4:38/154 (up then flat to finish)

easy jog/walk cool down.
