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9:35 AM


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<No name>


2016 Snow 4

BC 3

BC Ski 3

No Name Peak

Crashed in the car in Shimizu the night before and then, seeing as my guy in Obihiro had cancelled on me, slept in till 8am. Hiking solo at 9:35. A bunch of people had obviously hit it on Saturday and there were a few groups already on the go. The snow looked sweet though.

Wasn't planning on going to the peak, but with so many tracks from Saturday, it had to be safe, right?! Famous last words, but this mountain is fairly mellow... Anyway, got up top in one hour ten. Overcast and light snow, but visibility was no problem. First run down was FUN. Headed skiers left to avoid all the tracks.

Naturally, had to get one more. Kinda weird as there was a group of people taking a prolonged break about halfway up. Only thing was that they were on the way down, rather than on the way up. Talkng and laughing really loudly, kinda irritating...and they just wouldn't get going. I ended up hiking far higher than I had planned so as to let them go. Didn't want them to mess up my footage. Most. Important. Thing. Eventually they did and I stopped at the bottom of the top bowl after 45 minutes. Second run down was sweeeet, again went skier's left.

Burger was solid too.

(2016 BC Lines 4-5)



solo sessions? MHM?


Out for a couple of weeks...