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<No name>


2014 Snow 4. BC #2. NO NAME PEAK. Out solo to skin up and ski some lines here again. Hiked the treeline and as it's a fairly mellow tree run from there down, it's the last place that would slide - famous last words, maybe... However the snow pit was stable, so it was good to go. New snow since Saturday, but still had sasa grass sticking through. Sometimes used the remnants of our trail from Saturday, but basically broke trail on the way up. However on skis that isn't even really that difficult. 25 minutes to my turnaround point (double that if on snowshoes!) and got some nice pow on the way down. Back up for a second in 20 minutes. Felt good skiing the second one too. Could easily have skinned a couple more, but took my sweet time getting there in the first place and as I had classes in Obihiro, I had to bail. Mellow Thursday BC sessions are definitely on though!
