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<No name>


2016 Snow 14

Resort Day 5


Three hours and forty-five minutes of riding. Bluebird. 5cms of new snow, but when I pulled into the carpark, I could see that the main section of the resort had obviously been tracked out since the monster dump on Monday. So it would have been bumpy pow. However looking over at the Towers side of the resort all the hike-accessed pow zones were untouched!

...except the Romance Chair, which takes you over there, didn't open until 9:30...and the Tower Express quad opened at 8:45am. And I could see someone just starting to hike up. So...I hiked up the course so I could ride down to the quad. First hike done... 10 minutes maybe.

From there I rode the Tower Express quad and hiked up the top six times. It was completely groomed and only 10-20 minutes depending on where you dropped in. was also really steep. And I was overdressed for the spring conditions. Hot work.

(Not as hot as the oven that was Yoichi-dake though...)

First three runs were on my Malolo set up regular then rode back down and changed to my UnInc set up goofy.

The first run I rode the side of the course I had just hiked up (which was good, but not that good), but the next five I hiked right along the top to skier's left and rode the unused course there...which was AWESOME.

It was also awesome that hardly anyone else was doing it...

Pork on rice for lunch was also pretty awesome. Then again, anything would have tasted good after shredding that pow!

Total hiking time = 1 hour 35 minutes (roughly...)
