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9:30 AM

21.1 km


5:36 km


77.7 kg


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Random Route


2013 GOAL RACE B. And 100th run of the year!

What pointed observations need to be said that weren't said on my blog. Well...

1. Only two other foreigners in the half-marathon. One from Sapporo and one from Kitami. WTF Beer River Round-Eyes? Doesn't Peppy have a branch here?!

2. At the start of the race I stood at the back of the under two hour finishers group. So... no one else around me (and behind me!) is like mega-competitive, right? So we get to the first water station and I want to totally get my water, stop, take some gel, drink water, chill for like five seconds. I was totally careful not to get in anyone's way doing this, however this proved difficult as people totally charged for the tables. WTF? Could understand it if you were in the front group, but you could lose two seconds and NOT bump into me/push me off, but still make it up fairly quickly. Surely?! Like if you're behind me, you're not even remotely fast anyway! What's up with that?! I obviously just need to think of a better strategy, because I can it happening again... and again... and again...

3. One thing that was tough (after the run) was having to park at the Self-Defence Forces compound, which seems close but the entrance is around the corner. Probably the only option, but it was rough walking back to the car afterwards!

4. BOOOOOZ later was GOOOOD. Kushidori just around the corner from the Den. Knew it was going to be kinda cheap, but Brian couldn't believe it when we got the bill for 12,000 yen for six people!

5. Captain and Cokes at the Den. Sunday night. Word.

Standard write-up on the blog...



ahem. Its Oct 2nd now.


Still waiting on this. As well as MKEITH's entries for past 4 weeks. Expulsion imminent.


Yes, kinda lost the motivation with his tribute page seeing as he hasn't logged in like for-FREAKING-ever!


thats better. well done. What were your splits?

was there a bus chasing you down?

And whats with MKEITH? He has no kids around and basically living the life right now and cant log in to say whatup to his old buddies. Even a tribute page gets no love.


Well seeing as I didn't meltdown and walk the first 10K this time, I didn't have any buses cruising behind me. Then again, we were beside the river!

Splits? Well, I got to the turnaround at 11K in 1:00:23.


Good run Rooster. Kushidori is the shiznit.

EZ boys, September I didn't do anything with the hand but back on it now that Oct has hit and i am back in Canada.


Thanks MKev. Hard getting back into the running this year. Kushidori after is good motivation though!