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9:00 AM

4.9 km


6:06 km


78.7 kg


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2013 Run #81. Ran with the kitchen timer in my hand. Not ideal, but got it done. Got so preoccupied with the timer that I didn't get my stopwatch going though. Anyway I'm sure this will all come together on race day (it seemed to in Nemuro) but speed repeats are tough... Just don't have much speed really. Fartlek is good as you get to stop going hard whenever you feel like it! However it is possible, of course, that I don't really know what fartlek actually is...


7x (30 seconds hard + 90 seconds recovery)


Oh and there were waves, the sun was out, random paddle surfers are long gone, but Mariko sent her car off to get registered and took my car this morning. Except she remembered all this at the last minute, so if I had tried to pull out even my bodyboard from my car as she was rushing off to work, her head would have FREAKING exploded. Wouldn't have minded a surf today...
