Run: Race Previous Next


3.1 mi


6:13 mi


173 lb


Rabbit Run. A 3.01 mile run. Did not see a single person that I knew at this 80+ person event right smack in the middle of Naples on a Saturday morning. That is pretty weird. Looking around at the start, I picked some tall skinny kid as the winner with a possible wild card in a teenage girl that looked pretty sleek. At the start, the usual rush and I'm in 10th place. The sleek girl, some 30 something girl and some chubby little 20 yr old dude all go flying out. The chubby lasted about 300 yds before he fell off pace. I passed him about 2:30 in and I asked him if he thought it was a 400 m race or something. The tall skinny kid passed me around here, so it's sleek teenage girl, tall skinny kid and then me about 20 yds back after about a half mile. I close on the girl and the kid and pull alongside the girl just before the turn. The kid hears me coming and picks up the pace. I said to him, "you didn't think this was going to be easy, did you?" He starts pulling away from me after the turn and finished 12 seconds ahead.

I was pretty amazed at my time, but I knew it was a short course. After the cd, I see the chubby kid and ask him how the race went. He indicated he didn't do so well. I then ask if it's his first 5k. He said it was. I then joked to him "you might want to pace yourself a little next time." One of the girls with him starts telling him what an awesome job he did, blah, blah. Well, one of them should have told him it was a 3 mile race. Then I chatted with Bill Marshall for a bit but left when I realized there was no master award. In any event, a good run and I'm seeing progress.
