Run: crap Previous Next


5:00 PM

10 mi


9:00 mi


173 lb
  • Map



Due to car mechanical issues, decided to run home so nancy would not have to pick me up. Sorta thought this run would suck because it was another wicked hot day and all I ate today was two pieces of toast at 6:00 and one slice of pizza at noon. So this run had the potential to be a reprise of that horrible 12 miler from last October. Fortunately, I took preemptive action to forestall that ... stopped every 1-2 miles -- before springline in the shade, at harbor dr bridge to stand in the breeze, at v village for water, top of seagate for water, waterside shops, south st., 1/2 way between goodlette + pulling, for 5 minutes behind publix (that was good, cooling off and a nice breeze), then home. Still felt like crap. In any event, that was 1300 calories of pure fat that I burned. Weighed in right after run at 169 and change.

Can't really believe my pace (when I was running) was this fast. When glycogen debt comes on, I feel it first in my hip flexors then my traps.
