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7:00 PM

3.1 mi


6:42 mi


175 lb


3.15 mile race.

At the race last Saturday, this race was promoted by the RD. Since it was at 7 pm, I thought I'd give it a shot. Convinced Dermot to run too. I was actually thinking I might win until some fast looking kid in a kilt showed up. Didn't really get the kilt, but I talked with him after the race and he seemed like a good dude. Then Dermot showed and then Torrin Brauch, so I knew I wasn't winning or winning masters. At the start, I was chasing the kilt dude after Brauch, Dermot, some unknown dude, some chick and some kid shot out. Picked the kid off pretty quick then the chick and I passed kilt so I was sitting in 4th at that point. Kilt passed me near one and I settled in on his tail for a mile and hung there until the turn. At the turn, I saw some guy tracking me down and kilt dude gradually started inching away (eventually opening up a 10-15 second lead by the end). I tried to ignore the guy on my tail all the way home, felt and heard him closing all the way to 2, where I saw his shadow chasing right after me at the bridge. Another half mile and I turned into the park for the last .4 and pushed it hard, crossed the line and the shadow had given up since he was 30-40 yds back. Hand shakes all around and then a cool down. Chatted with Torrin and the D and the kilt and waited for the award ceremony, which took a wicked long time.

It was a friggin hot day.
