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3.1 mi


6:41 mi


175 lb


3.2 mile race.

Fast and Furious 5K (or maybe Fast and Furriest since the beneficiary was the humane society and a bunch of dogs ran it). I decided to run this yesterday in lieu of the GCR Saturday training run. Got up there early in a steady rain, registered, then about a 3 mile wu w/some strides. After the warm up, I walked around the starting area looking for familiar faces and didn't see any until some young dude I've raced a few times in Naples shows up right near race time (Andreas). We chat for a bit. At the gun, the usual rush and I settle in around 12-15 place. After .25 miles I'm in 10th place or so and feeling pretty good. Andreas had shot by me at the start and was running with a 40 yr old guy and the eventual female winner about 40 yds ahead of me for just about all of mile 1. I start closing on them after 1 and passed them around 1.5. Then I'm on my own for the remainder. The guy ahead of me had about a 100 yd lead, I closed him a bit but eventually realized I had little chance of passing him. A long friggin straight away for the last mile plus. I checked my watch at the turn in and I was not doing sub-20 today so I might have eased up a bit and ran in comfortably. 1st place master. A couple mile cool down then I chatted with Andreas and got my medal while overall winners got a $50 gift card. Bummer.

According to the actual race map, this race was 3.2, That is a 6:28 pace good for 20:00 on a 3.1 course so that is what I was hoping for. It seems like my diet is finally showing some results. 5-8 lbs more and I'll be back in 19:45 land.
