Run: TEMPO Previous Next


4.4 mi


5:42 mi


15 min tempo, two min rest, 10 min tempo. Really happy with today. I did the tempo around cornfields and had no idea how fast I was running, so I just went off of effort. I know 5:42 pace isn't 5:29 pace but given the conditions, the hilliness, and the fact that I did this in trainers it was the same quality as 5:29 pace around a track with flats. Had the "just get it done mentality" instead of the "lets have a solid workout mentality" which wasn't great but still pulled it off. Last workout in NY for a while, glad it was a good one.


Drew Lindholm

5:42 is pretty good for that loop, and considering the weather and trainers, don't worry. From reading other logs, I think EVERYONE was a bit off pace today. Have safe travels back to the Bay State!


Thanks Dad

