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4.2 mi


5:46 mi


9 / 10
8 / 10
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<No name>


The workout sucked, well with regards to me feeling awful it sucked. But that's how you can tell you ran a workout correctly. Today was a pretty great day. Went canoeing earlier with former IXC pres Eric and company, then had the extreme honor to be included in Ryan, William, and Brian's workout. Running with (or more like behind) William and Ryan really pushed me to run my hardest and I feel it will end up paying off.

Quality 8/10

Pros: The swell people, felt like I really benefitted from the workout

Cons: There is always improvement to be made

Effort 9/10

If I had an indie alternative band, ur name would be "Friends With Pools"

hbu Muneeb?



If I had a band it would be The Fallopian Dudes