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4.1 mi


5:50 mi


8 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map

<No name>


I'm kind of just spitballing these because I forgot to bring my GPS watch home. On the whole I felt fine, but the weirdest thing happened. Starting my 4th laps each time I would just get this killer headache that made me slow down. I'm not sure if it was the cold or my first time actually running hard for months but it sure was not a fun time. here's to hoping next week goes better. Otherwise though my legs felt like they could have put out more speed. For fear of making my log too long, my Rogue One review will be attached to tomorrow's log, instead down below you will fid the trivia answers and how many points everyone got

Quality 6/10

Pros- I showed up to run

Cons- I wasn't mentally there (literally), Definitely could have gone faster

Effort 8/10

A Fat Free Food

Trivia Results!

Technically all of the options were lowercase abcd and everyone answered with ABCD soooo no one won anything.

But I'll chalk that up to Central time zones screwing with everyone's state of mind. Prizes will be given out this Spring.

Leah and Muneeb scored the most with 3 points each

I'm impressed the most with you Leah cause you didn't even see my summer logs.

Jarod, Jared, Riley, and Cody yall only scored 1 point each

Richard you get ALL the points for your masterful responses


1)False. One Sunday after running long with Ryan and William I gave a run 10/10

2)b (Stay Golden Pony Boy) Gotta love the Outsiders

3)c (Big Blue)

4)a (Justin) He doesn't lift

5)b (deer) My hawk log was one of my personal favorites)


Leonel Rodriguez

damn it, i missed the trivia. but read your last log before, and i would've gotten them all wrong


I cant wait till Spring, I want a prize now


This is all I ever wanted. I can now die happily.


Oh HELLLL yeah

Cody Lund

I consider one point a success

Ryan Somerfield

oh looks like i was a day late ha

Ryan Somerfield

Also, I dont know what the hell you're trying to pull, but your only 10/10 log neither came from a long run, nor was it with william and I. it was on 6/1/2016 and was a regular easy run (wednesday). This was the day i got a water bottle thrown at my head, so you certainly weren't there. look it up if you don't believe me.


ryan that's creepy.

Arturo Woodward

Oh. Sorry Ryan, for your sleuthing I'll throw in a free sticker for you