Draekane's profile   

Even Bane needs to keep in shape by running now and then. . . Elevation Training Mask 2.0
Name: Michael Palmer
Profession: Software Engineer
Age: 46
Current Weight: 104.8 kg
Goal Weight: 86.2 kg
Location: Kelso, WA
Home page: http://doughboyruns.blogspot.com/
About me: 
I'm a 8-5 job type, running after work, working on becoming more competitive and getting in better shape. I love running team relays (Go Ragnar!) and enjoy the running community I have become a part of.
Why do I run: 
Thoughts of being there for my wife and my daughter, thoughts of eventually finishing a marathon (not doing well, just finishing), thoughts of being able to just run and not be tired.
Why I started running: 
I have a beautiful wife and daughter, and I want to be around for them, so to get in shape, I scheduled a couple of races and decided I need to get in shape for them, started running, and never looked back.