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6:00 AM

8.7 mi


7:23 mi

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Very humid this morning so we took it pretty easy. Was still dripping wet when we got home, but didn't feel that bad.


Summer Reflection: It's crazy to think that this was my last summer of training for cross country. The last couple years have gone really fast and I keep thinking about all the things I thought college would be and how it has been very different from my expectations. I think that my running has gone really well for the summer. I definitely don't feel like I am in racing shape yet, but I executed the plan that I had so now I will just start the next phase. Hopefully this will culminate it a great year for me as well as the team. I'm glad that a large portion of the team remained in St. Louis so that I got to spend a lot of time with a lot of people. As the year approaches what I will miss most are the weekend bbq's and sporty Sundays.
