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8:00 AM

26.2 mi


7:17 mi


171 bpm
198 bpm


46 F

Race Result

464 / 8197 (5.7%)
58 / 737 (7.9%)
411 / 4808 (8.5%)
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Twin Cities Marathon

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BIB #7059

A little big of a disappointment for the race, but I did end up with a new PR.

Woke up early at 4AM to prepare for the race. Out the door by 5:45AM to catch the light rail train. Caught the light rail just after 6AM and arrived in the Metrodome at just before 6:30. Did the race photo and got out of the Metrodome by 7:30AM to head towards the start. Didn't make the same mistake I made 2 years ago when I got stuck in the Metrodome trying to get out. Lined up just behind the 3:10 pacer and stretched out to get ready for the race.

Mile 1 - Mile 3: Started off running with the 3:10 pacer. The pacer started out slow as the first mile was at 7:38 but he quickly started to pick it up. As we started to speed up, I could see that my heart rate was not working correctly as my heart rate at one point would be reading in the 173s and then the next second would be down in the 165s. I started to get a little concerned because I didn't want to make the same mistake that I made last year and go out too hard. In hindsight, I should have replaced my heart rate monitor as it had been acting up the past 2 months. Decided earlyh on to let the 3:10 pacer move ahead of me and focus on trying to run a smart race. I figured the 3:10 pacer was going to bank some time so I felt ok letting him go.

Mile 4 - Mile 6: Kept the 3:10 pacer in sight but I had no idea about my effort as I was getting some erroneous readings on my heart rate monitor. Decided best to keep it safe and run at a conservative effort.

Mile 6 - Mile 9: Managed to see Katie G and Steve Eberly at the top of the hill between Lake Calhoun and Lake Harriet. At the left after the Lake Harriet boat launch, there was Steve Gleason cheering me on. At this point of the race, it became very tiring to try and make eye contact with everyone yelling my name. Took a gel at Mile 7.

Mile 10 - Mile 13.1: Sonia and the kids were there to cheer me at the bronze rabbit. At this point, I lost contact with the 3:10 pacer and could not see him anymore. Crossed the halfway point in the 1:36:xx. Ok, if I don't pick it up now, I'll never make at least the 3:10 time.

Mile 14 - Mile 16: Still feeling good after the halfway point so now I'm determined to pick up the pace and still make at least a 3:10 goal. Took another gel at Mile 15. Passed the familar pink flamingos at Mile 16.

Mile 17 - Mile 19: Starting to pass quite a few people. See J Martin on the course and he tells me the 3:10 people had just passed. As people call my name out, I'm no longer paying attention to them as they are just strangers to me. Along the way, I finally hear "Srichai" called out and realize "Hey, somebody watching knows me so I better look to find out who". It was Lasley and I remember that every year now that I see him on the course at around this point. Still passing people here and there and finally make it up the Franklin Ave Bridge ramp to Mile 19.

Mile 20 - Mile 22: Still trying to pickup the pace but I can now see the 3:10 pacer way up ahead. Cross through the ALARC wall at Mile 20 and now make it a goal to try and catch back up to the 3:10 pacer group. See Josh Huff around Mile 21 and he rides his bike along the course following me to just before the Summit hill. He asks me if I need any Gaterade or gel but I decline and proceed to muscle my way up the Summit Hill. I take a gel at the top of the hill.

Mile 22 - Mile 26.2: I still see the 3:10 pacer just ahead, but I'm starting to have problems now. I still feel good to try and pickup the pace even more but as I start to push the pacer even faster, I start to feel the cramp in my left leg. This becomes somewhat frustrating because the last thing I want to happen is to have to stop because of a charley horse in my left leg. I hold my pace steady as to not upset my leg but I know in the back of my head that I should be able to go a little faster. Just before Mile 25, I see Kasun cheering me on as he said he would be around Dale St. As we pass Mile 25, I see a runner down and the medics attending to him. Poor guy! He won't make his time. We go down the hill and I know I won't catch the 3:10 pacer but I know I still have a chance to make the 3:10 time. Cross over the finish with a Gun Time of 3:10:58.
