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4:00 PM

5.7 mi


9:23 mi


28 F
  • Map


COMMENTS: First run ever in the snow. Got great looks/comments from people. One woman passed by us and said, "Jesus Christ!" A bunch of kids yelled at me as I ran by: "It's too cold to run!" And the only other runner I saw gave me a big wave.

The run itself was really good. Wasn't hard to run on the packed snow on the sidewalk, and wasn't really that slippery. Ran on the road as much as I could, but that really wasn't that much.

Might have overdressed for this. Wore long pants, long-sleeve undershirt, fleece top, hat, and gloves. At around 26 minutes, noticed I was pretty hot. Eventually took gloves off. Probably could have done without the fleece. I think this outfit would have been good down to 15-20 degrees.
