Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:40 PM

9.3 mi


8:21 mi


85 F
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Very difficult tempo run tonight. I decided this week to combine my mid-long and tempo runs to make it easier to get the tempo run in. I went out and did the 4 mile tempo + warmup and cooldown, came home for water, then went back out for 3 more easy miles.

The tempo was incredibly difficult, maybe even race effort. My legs felt heavy, and it was hot. I think if I'm going to stick with this schedule, I need to do Wednesday as a recovery run instead of a normal training run.

Warmup: 1.09 mi in 9:44 (8:57/mi)

Tempo: 4.01 mi in 28:59 (7:14/mi)

Cooldown: 0.97 mi in 9:11 (9:28/mi)

Easy: 3.25 mi in 29:47 (9:11/mi)
