Run: Progression Previous Next


4:45 PM

10.1 mi


8:30 mi


72 F
  • Map


Another wet run. This time it only rained for the first 1/3 of the run, but the ground and trail was soaked, and I stepped in a giant puddle around mile 5 that left my feet sloshing around for the rest of the run.

I did another progression run. First 4 miles at 9:00 pace, then drop 20 seconds/mile every 2 miles. The last 2 miles at 8:00 pace were quite difficult.

My actual paces were:

Miles 1-4: 8:48

Miles 5-6: 8:39

Miles 7-8: 8:18

Miles 9-10: 7:55

My left knee has been bothering me slightly lately. Keep an eye on it.
