johnpersico's profile   

Name: John Persico
Profession: Consultant
Age: 77
Height: 1.73 m
Current Weight: 67.6 kg
Goal Weight: 62.1 kg
Location: Frederic, Wisconsin
About me: 
Dr. John Persico is a partner with Ms. Peg Peck-Chapman in the Minnesota Consulting Alliance. Dr. Persico has been in management consulting since 1986. He has worked with organizations in both the profit and non-profit sector. He has done extensive work in the area of quality improvement, service management, leadership development, team building and strategic planning. John also holds faculty positions at Globe College and Metropolitan State University. For nearly ten years now, Dr. Persico has taught the Capstone class “Case Studies in Strategic Management” for graduating seniors and for the MBA program at Metropolitan State University. John has written two books on business strategy including the “TQM Transformation and “The New Business Values.”
Why do I run: 
Love to be outdoors year round either running, skiing, swimming, bicycling or motorcycling
Why I started running: 
Been running over 35 years.. Started to supplement my Tai Kwon Do routines. Now run and no do Tai Kwon Do.