Run: Fartlek Previous Next


1.3 mi


6:26 mi

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LIGHTNING! Intended to do Honey Farms, fairly quickly. Headed out and the weather was looking a bit iffy. Got to P-Chops and it started opening up, lightning as well, so I turned around and hightailed it back home. Fastest I've run since December and my knee didn't hurt. But, sadly, I was hurting pretty bad when i got back. I still have a long way to go toward getting back into shape. To that end, I think I am going to shift my schedule back an hour in the morning and get to work at about 8:00 instead of 7:00. This will give me time to either, get more sleep, or if I can manage it, to get up at 6:00 anyway and get a short bike ride in. That way I can start to get some doubles in. It will end up either being 1 ride and 1 run in a day or 2 rides in a day. I think that I am going to avoid 2 runs in a day for the summer in the interest of arriving at XC un-injured. I'll probably do the same thing come the fall.
