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2 mi


5:24 mi


Brooks Z1

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Felt ok considering I ran 61 miles in 6 days and ran 11.5 in 7:20's yesterday. I went out i 77, then ran a 76. I dropped off the pack when Burger surged. The first mile was 5:15 which means that i positive split hardcore. I would have liked to stick with Burger and Goodman for longer. Burger dropped me with a hard surge going into the 3rd lap. I beat Dan which was a goal.

I really need to work on being able to handle a fast early pace and being able to stay with the pack. If I can get used to that I can start putting a kick to use. Otherwise, the only thing i will get out of a good kick is taking a few extra seconds off my time. While this is always a fun thing to do, it won't help score points or improve my place if i can't stay near people for the rest of the race. I can't wait until we start doing some faster workouts. I need to have 75s feel relaxed. I should be able to open a 3k up in 5:00 or a 5k in 5:10-5:15 and not completely fall apart.

I'm going to keep my mileage up and work on my endurance. Right now I am running more miles than any of the other people who were in the race. If I can keep this up and keep increasing my mileage i should be in very good shape by the start of outdoor. I think my endurance is about the same as it was before i hurt my hip. However, my speed is not quite back yet. Once we get into the faster workouts I'll get that back.
