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8:07 AM

5 km


7:17 mi


178 lb
176 bpm
188 bpm


73 F


9 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

29 / 170 (17.1%)
1 / 9 (11.1%)
27 / 87 (31%)
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Summer Fest 5K - Minooka

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Feels like 73°

0 mph N wind

Humidity 89%

Weather: That humidity was rough. Lightning and rain at the start. Hot and humid by the 1/2 mile

Bedtime: 11:30pm

Alarm: 5:30am

OutofBed: 6:10am

Left: 6:45am

Arrived: 7:10am

Breakfast: French Toast - bad idea. Made me feel tired and sluggish

Ran with: Jason, Corrine, Tim, John, Lorraine

Recap: Did not feel comfortable at all this race. I was tired and heavy feeling. The humidity made the heat noticeable. I wish the rain would have kept falling. Jason took off really fast. I wasn't about to try and keep up with him. He ran 6:14 for the first mile, but he eventually paid the price. I pulled along side of him just before the 2 mile mark while he was walking. He started back again and got in front of me, but by mile 2 he stopped for water and that's the last I had seen of him. I started to push with what I had left. I was tired, feeling nauseous and had a lot of phlegm buildup in my lungs due to the humidity. Uncomfortable is a good word.

181 HR average for the 3rd mile says a lot. I pushed. I got 1st in age group, Jason got second. My first trophy felt pretty nice.
