Run: Easy Previous Next


6:20 AM

2 mi


8:35 mi


55 F
  • Map

<No name>


Perfect running weather this morning! 55 degrees/no humidity. it was unfortunate to only run 2 miles in this. such a short run! the idea in this is to get my legs/brain used to my marathon goal pace while still tapering. I was supposed to do 3 miles (1 mile 'warm up', 1 mile 'marathon pace' and 1 mile 'cooldown') but I had a rock in my sock that kept bothering me more and at the end of the 2 miles I was at my house and rather risk a cut I just stopped. Which was fine since both my miles were my goal pace and felt very slow. Mile 1= 8:39 (slightly slower than goal pace) Mile 2 = 8:28 (slightly faster than goal pace).
