Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:20 AM

6.2 mi


7:45 mi


29 F
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<No name>


My Usual 6.2 mile loop that I do every sunday is now going to be my tempo run. It was my first tempo run in 13 years of running. I ran 2 miles at an easy pace then ran as fast as I could manage (not as fast as in a race but close to it) till I got to Holt street (28 minutes at that tempo pace in 28 minutes...about 7:22 per mile tempo). My first easy 2 were ash st/blueberry/thayer/wild. then fast thru timlin course/teresa, hayden rowe/mile school loop to holt). the entire 6.2 mile loop took me 48 minutes and usually takes me 52 or 53. so difficult mentally I was in a road race by myself w/no one there. didn't like it but was very very surprised to see the 48 minutes on my watch considering my 10K road race PR is 46:46 anyway. so today I averaged 7:45 for the ENTIRE loop.
