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11:45 AM

8 km


6:07 mi


1 lb


80 F


10 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


solid pack through 4k - right on pace at 1k in 3:30 but that was downhill - slowed to 7:15 after uphill to 2k - pretty sure every split after this was progressively slower - pack splintered at 5k with about half going in front of me and half behind, leaving me in no man's land - this happens a lot to me and I need to more actively prevent this - flu (which has just been a ridiulous cough and only a crummy feeling in the morning) didn't feel that bad before the race but I could definitely feel its effect, especially after a few k - heat was really a killer - I was already dehydrated after the warmup (which really shouldn't be 25 min in weather like this!) - for something this hot I'd say 20max but maybe even less - even though we positive splitted almost the whole race, I was constantly passing people the entire time which really helped - the hills on this course are worse than they're made out to be - long hills and no shade...definitely not one of my favorites - I guess I'll take today as an off day since everyone did just as bad - hopefully regionals will have better conditions and I won't be sick - at least the course wasn't wet and msuhy like last year - R big toe temdons hurt for the rest of the day - lots of rolling
