Run: Distance Previous Next


4 mi


7:45 mi


155 lb
  • Map

Lower Pali


Was hoping to get out for longer than 4 miles this afternoon, but things got fun and busy at work and I couldn't get out the door again til about 5:15 or even 5:20. I had dinner with the Pasches scheduled for 6:15 so 4 is all I could get while still getting in a shower. Oh well, still got 8 in for the day, so no complaining here. In my 4 I did a hill workout, which felt pretty good.

Warm-up up to Rosalin

3x the hill we have run previously for the farmhouse hill workout.

Nothing too exhausting, but definitely a good amount of work. Just running over that kind of topography uphill provides some more effort for the legs to chew on.

Cool down back to school.
