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8:00 AM

7 mi


8:00 mi


155 lb


Knowing the predicted weather for today I got out as soon as I woke up and headed for the trails. Yesterday I saw a path leading off of lee' sloop that I hadn't seen before. I went back there today and I believe I ran a mile and a half stretch of trail I haven't run before! It's definitely newer, still being packed down. At one point it approaches a bridge which is currently being constructed, there are extension cords still running for power tools. I imagine Jeff or some of his henchmen are working on it right now. I was very excited to find what I believe is a new stretch for me!

The run felt good, but I didn't push it at all. My hamstrings and quads were quite tired from yesterday's ride and race-like run effort. I anticipate I will get out for a shorter run later today with sir Jamison.

Best way to start the day!

Scared three large birds in the woods. I don't know what they were, but the size was very impressive!! I needed my friend Emma the raptor expert along to do some identifying.

By the end I was very tired and in dire need of some fluids! Haven't sweat that much on a run yet this summer. I had planned to maybe jump in the river or ice in dunnings when I was done, but the desire for some water made me change my mind. Oh well, if Jamie and I go tubing today I'll have plenty of river time! Either that or I'll go over I dunnings and ice this afternoon. Icing would probably feel spectacular in the middle of this 93 degree afternoon!


Emma Spoon

You must show me this new trail! How exciting!

Sorry I missed the opportunity to do some raptor identifying. Turkey like? Vulture like? I have so many questions!

Glad to see you're living it up and loving the trails! Looking forward to joining you come Friday!

Maggie P

More raptor like I think, but I'm also too inexperienced to know what to look for. Hope camp with the kindergarteners was great, can't wait for Thursday!