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10 mi


145 lb
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Got in 10 this evening after struggling with a stomache ache most of the day. It was muggy, but the temperature wasn't awful and I kept to the shade as much as I could, so the mugginess, while not ideal, was tolerable.

By about 7 miles in my legs were ready to be done, but it was just general fatigue in the middle of a big week, nothing too terrible. I wore my flats only because my HOKAS were still soaked from yesterday's run in the pouring down rain. I would have rather had a more supportive shoe on, but I'll just be sure to get some good rest in my legs over the next couple days. Anders biked alongside me and provided nice company. The easy conversation made the miles go by much more quickly.

My goal this week was to front load enough to allow Thursday and Friday to be fairly restful because I am racing the Wayzata XC Alumni race on Friday morning.
