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9:19 AM

7.3 mi


7:29 mi


145 bpm
161 bpm
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-- Garmin Connect Import --

3x 1 mile at threshold, 1 min rest; copyright: Nick Ross

Did strides yesterday in anticipation of a workout today, and today I felt great, even on my warm-up. Had 3x mile on the docket, and it seemed like the right fit for another early season effort.

Bad news (not really bad, more informative, but saying bad for the sake of the literary tool) is I found my cardio/muscular wall today. Good news is I found it running 15-20 seconds faster/mile than I was doing repeats at this time last year. Hah.

Weirdly enough, my back was really the limiting factor today, as it has been in some races before. And that surprises me because I feel like I'm pretty strong right now. Back to the drawing board. I'm determined to make sure my back is not my limiting factor at Grandma's this year like it was in some ways last year.

Didn't look at my watch at all during the reps, and the effort felt about right. Really I shouldn't even be looking at the splits when they click through, but this early in the season I still think it's helpful as I re-learn what threshold feels like on the roads. Some varying topography and wind directions which likely influenced paces a bit. That, and it's early, and I'm sure I yo-yo-ed some. But overall very happy with the effort and the results, for now.

Splits: 6:27, 6:19, 6:24
