Run: Fartlek Previous Next


9.5 mi

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Another Fartleky kind of run on the treadmill, to get some cardio work in, and to pass the time. Also it was -4 degrees outside and I had NO desire to ski.

3 mile easy warm-up, then switched into my fast shoes with the hopes of feeling fast.

did 1x5 min @ about marathon effort ~6:40

Then did about a half hour of 1 min on, 1 min off at fast-ish. That is the effort that felt fun and satisfying and productive today, so that's what I did. I switched back and forth between my "fast" being 6 min pace and 5:13 pace (10.0mph and 11.0mph on the treadmill), and those different efforts kept it fresh as well.

About halfway through that 30 min I was curious about heart rate, and I love paying attention to my heart rate with my watch when I'm bored and on a treadmill. So, I changed from an arbitrary 60 sec rest period to resting until my heart rate dropped below 140bpm. It was fascinating! and also helped pass the time. The time it took to dip below 140 bpm was always between 55 and 75 seconds (assuming of course that my garmin is entiretly accurate, which it likely isn't). But that was interesting data to consider, and probably means that the 1 min on, 1 min off interval is likely a fairly effective interval for me?

Also listened to Ellen Degeneres' audio book "Seriously..... I'm Kidding" while I was running, and got some weird looks from other LA Fitness patrons when I literally "LOL'ed" on the treadmill.


Emma Spoon

Nice, fun treadmill time can be such a joy in the winter...

Thanks for the book recommendation, that sounds like a great listen.