XC ski skate: Easy Previous Next


11:10 AM

11.5 mi


8.24 mi / hr


135 bpm
173 bpm
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Finished off my goal of getting some good volume this weekend. (extended to Monday, of course, because of the holiday)

The ability to wake up when you wake up naturally, eat breakfast, drink coffee, and then head out for a ski at 11am really is the best life.

My intent was to do an hour and a half with quality, but almost immediately I knew that quality probably wasn't going to be in the cards. My muscles were just all sorts of fatigued from lots of volume and lifting over the weekend. I decided that was okay and gave myself permission to just ski easy, and then my enjoyment of the ski increased immensely. (Mentally slotting quality for wednesday/thursday and then a couple rest days before racing sunday)

I did 1.5 loops of the man-made snow at Wirth and then ventured off to the natural trails, which was a MUCH better idea. I skied for an hour on the natural trails and didn't repeat any terrain. Skied the golf course and wirth lake, eloise butler and the bog, and was so content to just ski easy, explore and enjoy the SUNSHINE! Life was good. Mentally and emotionally I could have skied for much longer, but physically the fatigue was real, so at my hour and a half goal I called it.

Cheers to a weekend of skiing well spent.
