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3200 m


145 lb


After the 1500 and the Gustie alumni mile, Marit Sonnesyn and I volunteered to help pace a Gustie freshman who was trying to PR in the 5k. This freshman doesn't have any company on the Gustie team right now, and the teams there weren't going to provide any competition either.

I had already raced the 1500, and thought sure, why not, I like the track, sounds fun. And Marit had raced the alumni and thought the same thing.

Marit and I are good friends. She's two years younger than me, but we both ran and skied at Wayzata a million years ago, so I know her well. She's also been dating one of Anders' best friends for the last 3 years, and I imagine the 4 of us might have a lot of running and skiing together in our near future.

I led the two of them into the wind and paced the first 2 miles, running straight 90's, and then I dropped off and Marit paced the last mile. It worked well, and Gabbi ended up with about a 20 second PR.

By the end of 2 miles of 90's, after an all-out 1500, I was very tired. I definitely don't think I would have been able to hold that pace to finish the race.

Hopefully in another month I'll have that pace for a 5k, and more!

And I'll also be fresh, and that will help ;)
