Run: Workout Previous Next


6:10 PM

10 mi


7:44 mi


147 bpm
163 bpm
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This workout was all sorts of wishy-washy.

For me I think it comes with the territory of being sort of in training but not entirely. I generally have workouts slotted for sometime mid-week, and a long run for the weekends, but it's pretty fluid. Additionally, I had speed on the schedule last week but switched to tempo because of what I had done while I was in decorah, so this week I had tempo on the schedule but felt like that would be redundant. So I spent much of the day trying to decide what exactly I wanted to do for a workout. That, and I pushed it off until later in the day. When I have to double in a day, or when I know that my schedule for a day denotes that I have to run in the morning, I will absolutely get it done in the morning, no question. But if I don't have to run in the morning and am undecided about whether I will or not the night before when I go to bed, 9/10 times I'll push it off. So all day I debated when to run, first post-coffee, then before lunch, then it was "too-hot" blah blah blah. So round about 6pm I got out the door after finally convincing myself to go, still undecided about what workout I would do. Hence, the wishy-washy. But I digress.

I did a 3 mile warm-up and then 4 strides. Warm-up only felt okay, and in the first mile I almost talked myself out of a workout, but then all of a sudden mile 2 I felt better and so I talked myself back into it. However, speed work still sounded hard- I've been REALLY sore from the new plyos all week, even a few days later, especially when I try to hit the gas pedal. (gotta figure out the sets and reps on those and become accustomed to them before the real work starts)

So I finally decided on some tempo to start, and then hopefully some speed if my legs warmed up a bit. I decided on 10 min tempo then 8 min tempo, with 2 min jog between, and then 6x 30/90's if my legs felt okay. I also decided that I wasn't going to look at my watch and try to just run on feel. No need to be over-concerned with time, especially because my speed systems have been feeling so crappy from some new explosive moves.

Got into the 10min piece and felt sorta slow and lethargic, but not bad. The tempo didn't feel overly hard, I just didn't really feel like I could or wanted to go very. But I did let myself glance at the mile split mid-piece when I got it, and the mile split was 6:29. I was pleasantly surprised by that, and encouraged to just continue to try to run relaxed.

I finished up the 10 min piece, jogged a bit, and then did the 8min piece. Mile split on that one was 6:34, and that felt about right because I could tell my legs were starting to fatigue. But I was happy with it, and just finished up the 8min feeling smooth.

Did 6x 30/90's @ mile, and didn't look at my watch at all.

Got home and looked and all were between 5:20 and 5:05, nothing wrong with that for right now.
