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6:00 AM

9 mi


7:40 mi


155 lb
  • Map

Mink Farm


Ran with Yarrow, Heidi, Lauren Kraus, and Anna Murray this morning, which was great fun. I'm looking forward to more runs with that crew.

Heidi and Yarrow were looking to do a Hill workout. Rats. I poorly timed my hill workout yesterday. But on well.

I joined them for there warm up and the first of their repeats on Mink Farm hill. After hills yesterday I didn't think it smart (nor did I at all desire) to do more than one hill today. The first repetition was fast, Heidi was setting the pace. Yarrow and I laughed after we dropped Heidi off at home how fast her "uphill tempo" pace had been. For the second one I ran up at a distance pace and caught them on the way back down.

The legs didn't feel awful after yesterday's workout, but there definitely wasn't a lot of extra spark.

We met up with Lauren and Anna for a cool down and I think I smiled the whole time. Running with great company in a great location is the best way to start any day. We enjoyed a lightning show and a cooling, light drizzle the entire run, and I got in just before it started to pour.

Planning on getting in a few more this afternoon after work, if the temperature and humidity allow for it, although I think it's supposed to be brutal. We'll see.



Awesome! Miss the morning crew!

Emma Spoon

Lauren is back in Decorah? Glad you've connected to this great group!