Run: Easy Previous Next


5:30 PM

8 mi


8:00 mi


155 lb
  • Map

Luce line


During this run I decided it was the run of paradoxes.

Paradox #1: I felt simultaneously exhausted and very fit

I kept the pace intentionally relaxed today, aware of the fact that my body is telling me it needs a few easier days. I wore my GPS and made sure to not drift below a true 8 min pace. My quads and calves were still quite fatigued, (although much better than yesterday) however the pace itself was extremely easy. I felt extremely fit because though two specific muscle groups were tired, the pace and the distance was otherwise completely effortless. Regarding mental stamina, aerobic capacity, and muscles besides my quads and calves, it truly felt as though I could have run that pace forever. I haven't run true 8 min pace for a while, and the ease at which it came made the run very fun.

Paradox #2: my form felt simultaneously extremely foreign and entirely natural

Because of the soreness in my quads and calves, I had to consciously think about not altering my form to compensate for the soreness. Therefore every step took concentration and felt somewhat foreign. However, the extent to which I had to focus on two distinct muscle groups made it that much more apparent how smooth, effortless, and natural every other part of the motion was. I was reminded through a lack of familiarity in one portion of the motion the extent to which over the years the running motion in general has become almost my body's natural state. Apart from the quads and calves, every limb felt coordinated, every angle felt balanced, and the motion came without thought. The great contrast allowed me to think about the ease of running in a way I have not before today.

Paradox #3: at the end of the run I wanted to both stop and run forever

I feel this one is more common, but it was even exaggerated today. By the end of 8 I could feel my quads starting to deteriorate rapidly again, so I knew it was time to stop. During the last mile as the fatigue set in, I was definitely thankful for the end of the run. However, because I kept the pace no faster than 8 min pace, the mental effort was literally non existent. Though I knew my legs were calling to stop, I think I honestly could have run that pace for hours without experiencing any mental fatigue. Part of me was really curious as to how long the total mental relaxation and disengagement could have lasted.

Excited the legs felt better than yesterday, hopefully the progress will continue and I can hit my mileage goal for this week. Maybe a ride will even be in the cards tomorrow, that would be swell



This is deep Magtag, I'm enjoying this. You are fit. And I've tried to tell you for the last three years that you look most like you when you are running. There is this whimsical beauty in your stride, and in recognizing it as a part of your personality and livelihood. Dah, I didn't explain that like I wanted, but it's a thing. It's a real thing.