Run: Distance Previous Next


3:00 AM

10 mi


7:36 mi


155 lb


Felt awesome today. Ran my favorite 10 mile route and felt like I could have run forever. I ran three miles out on the Luce line gravel path, then did 4 miles in my favorite trail system, woo drill, then ran back on the gravel. Didn't plan to necessarily go that long, or to enter the trail system at all, but from the minute I started my body was craving more mimes and a faster pace. Gaining fitness, cool :)

I also had a lot to think about today, I have a million and a half thoughts on my mind. I think part of my craving more time running was due to a need for time to just think, and also due to my legs trying to keep up with the pace of my racing mind!



You are so going to kick my rear end this weekend, and I can't wait.

Maggie P

Oh please, that's not even close enough to true to put into writing. Easily the biggest load of BS iv heard in a long time