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11 mi

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LA Fitness


Ran inside today because my coach (Anders) and others have suggested running inside a few times this week to prep for warmer temps next weekend. It was actually nice to be inside, feel smooth, and run NOT in 20 degrees and 20mph winds that I would have had to battle today. I think that helped me feel good on this run, too. Legs are starting to come around.

If going inside to run 11 is a good option this week, than that's what I'm going to do, even though under other circumstances I would laugh at people doing that for no good reason. If its likely to help next weekend, I'll try just about anything.

Legs felt good, last 3 miles got LONG and boring.



Dang it. Wish I woulda read your text earlier, coulda talked you through the last half hour. Next time. Sounds smart to run in the warmth. What's the approximate forecast for your race?