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3:43 PM

9 mi


7:45 mi


134 bpm
160 bpm
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Well, this was good practice at just running a workout based upon effort. I just didn't have it today. All of a sudden yesterday I got hit with something. It's been going around the school and some of my colleagues, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But I came home from practice yesterday achy, sore, cold, and with a headache and sinuses full of crap. I decided to not do my second run of the day, and instead I went to bed early. I thought about skipping this morning's double as well, but primarily I wanted another chance for my legs to recover before attempting a workout this afternoon, and secondly I didn't love the idea of giving up two back-to-back runs from a volume perspective. I mean, it would have been fine, but I didn't want to. So ran this this morning and felt kinda meh.

Out cross country meet got cancelled this afternoon/evening which was huge, and I came home from school early and took an hour and a half nap that was glorious. When I woke up I felt decent, and I figured I'd give it a shot. I told myself I'd go out and at least run 3, and if it was awful I'd just turn around and make it an easy 6 mile run, and if it was decent I'd consider it my warm-up and get into my workout. Well, my warm-up was sub-8's without any effort, so I figured it was worth a shot.

Workout was 4x 30/90's fast, then 3-4x mile @threshold, and then 4x 30/90 fast again.

My first set of 30/90's actually felt pretty decent- paces were 5:10, 4:56, 5:05, 5:01. Nothing wrong with that right there.

Then when I got to the threshold pieces it didn't go as well. My first mile was 6:27, which is fine ish, but it was harder than threshold. And I could tell my overall abilities had a lot to do with being sick and not necessarily how my legs felt because my back, shoulders, core, and arms felt sore and fatigued right away- similar to the aches and fatigue I'd been feeling for the last 36hrs or so. And I felt like my core and upper body couldn't support what my legs were doing. When I got into my second one and immediately felt like I was working too hard, I just tried to ignore paces and run on feel and effort. And that's what I tried to do for the rest of the workout. It wasn't pretty, and it wasn't fast, but the work got done, I guess. And the paces were what I had today. Maybe I shouldn't have attempted the workout? maybe it was beneficial? I always wonder in these types of scenarios. But if nothing else it got my legs turning over a little bit. Hopefully just some good rest will help the sickness.

Missing the longer of my two runs on Wednesday hurst the total volume a bit, but life goes on.

first set of 30/90's: 5:10, 4:56, 5:05, 5:01

3xmile @ threshold: 6:27, 6:36, 6:45. <--------mmmhmmm

second set of 30/90's: 5:08, 5:05, 4:51, 5:15 (uphill last rep)
