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9 mi

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Treadmill asterisk, but damn I felt fit today, and this one was fun.

4x 1 mile @ 10k.

I did this workout last spring before grandma's half, and I went 6:02, 6:05, 6:05, 6:04, and it was HARD.

Today, albeit on a traedmill, I ran 6:00, 5:56, 5:56, 5:52. And it definitely didn't feel as hard as it felt in June.

Who knows what it means, and likely it doesn't mean much at all, but ripping of some sub 6 miles has definitely never felt so comfortable, and 90 seconds rest in between felt like plenty to be ready to rock again.

I don't think I can actually run 5:56's for 10k right now, but for today the effort felt right.

I went into the workout excited to work, well aware of the fact that this was the last opportunity to throw just a little more fuel into the engine. As the 3rd and 4th reps got hard I focused on form and cadence, and visualizing next weekend, and I was more than happy to be putting in the work in the hopes of being as ready as I can possibly be in 10 days.

They hay is in the barn, It's taper time.


Emma Spoon

Damn, that is super impressive! I'm so excited for the fitness you have for a great marathon and for the benefits you will reap in months to come, on skis and on the road! Enjoy the taper, as best you can! :)