Roller Skiing: Long Previous Next




145 lb


6x 3 min @ L4

i.e. about as hard as you can go on rollerskis

This was a really hard but REALLY awesome workout. And so much more fun with my ski training partner.

Good news and bad news of this workout was as follows:

Bad news, about 2/3 of the way through our second interval, Anders broke his right pole. He stuck it directly into the very middle of a manhole and the bottom 6 inches of the pole snapped off. Bummer, because poles are expensive, but also because JUST before the workout, on our warm-up, we had been talking about the fact that both of us had gotten through almost an entire summer and fall of rollerskiing without breaking ANY equipment, which is pretty remarkable. Also, we spent part of the warm-up making fun of speed skaters, and commenting on how their low backs must be sore all the time, and especially Anders was making fun of the fact that speed skating is like skate nordic skiing but a stupid version because it doesn't have poles. Well, Anders, you're a jerk, and now you have to essentially be a speedskater for the rest of the workout today because you broke your poles. BAHAHA. he got what was coming to him.

Good news: my L4 WITH poles is about the same speed as Anders' L4 WITHOUT poles. We never have similar paces in ski workouts, EVER. And the workout yesterday was SO FUN! We were literally full out RACING every repeat, and at BOTH of our 100% efforts, simply because he didn't have poles so were matched quite well. It was REALLY fun, and very competitive, and we laughed and giggled/ also were dying, the whole time.

Loved it.

Life is good.



Sweet! I'm jealous of your workout intensity and fitness! Also, I think speed skating is amazing - partially because there is some rich history of American speed skaters/cyclist cross-overs. Rookie question: Do you use the same poles for roller skis as you do for snow? Do they not get destroyed on pavement? Another question: do you see a lot of other skiers out when you rollerski? Also, how do you find 3 minutes of pavement to go that hard without stopping/turning/intersectioning?

Maggie P

I totally agree about Speed skaters. It was Anders who was hating, also in a joking way, and then comical because he got what he deserved because of his mocking.

We have different poles for roller skiing and snow; yes, pavement destroys them, you have to sharpen them often and they eventually get too short, and they also get broken a lot. So you just buy shitty poles for roller skiing and then you feel extra fit when you get on snow. If we go to one of the parks we see a lot of skiiers, but oth

Maggie P

***but otherwise no.

and we were doing our intervals on a neighborhood loops. You definitely have to turn, but we try to do it at times that are not high trafffic, like 3pm, and you just have to be careful around sharp corners and hope cars are also being careful. The only time it really becomes a problem is if you run into a "T" or really sharp, blind turn at the bottom of a hill, so we try to avoid those.


Thanks, Mag : ^ )

Emma Spoon

Thanks for sharing! I appreciate the comments too and learning about the odd world that is nordic!