Day Off: Easy Previous Next



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A 2 hour faculty meeting after school, Maple Grove races early evening, and teaching an adult class late evening meant a day off for me. Man, in some ways you have to love an unplanned day off sometimes. Keeps ya fresh.

Additionally, I haven't had one in about three weeks, and it was probably time.


Emma Spoon

Whoa, you are crazy busy! What is this adult class you are teaching?!? Don't you think you have enough on your plate, Ms. First Year Teacher?

Maggie P

I'm teaching a Christian Ethics class at my church. There are lots of 6 week classes that are for adult education. Not just members of my church but lots of people. Its pretty cool! And a topic I know well, so usually its not too much terrible prep ;)

Emma Spoon

That sounds great! You're so awesome. :)