Run: Easy Previous Next


6:38 AM

4.3 mi


134 bpm
142 bpm
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Jogged around by the river as Anders and I spectated the Red, White and Boom 5k. Legs felt pretty stiff to begin, but after a while felt much better. I could have continued for longer, but it was also nice to just jog around at the event and not have an agenda or a need to run 11 miles home like Anders had to.

A few more days of just easy running. I'm enjoying it, especially mentally. Its nice to step out the door and run only as far as feels good or as I want to. But I'm also starting to get the itch to get going again- partly because I'm excited about races to come, and partly because my legs don't necessarily feel better on a daily basis because I'm running significantly less. So if the legs are going to feel heavy and flat and lethargic sometimes, I might as well be training. However, even with a goal of higher mileage next week, another 10 days of time away from formal training will still be really nice. And come the middle of September I'm sure I'll be thanking myself that I took the time.

Goal is ~40-45 this week, and probably 60 next week.
