Bike: Easy Previous Next


3:30 PM

15 mi


Decided to simulate 2 legs of my Triathlon today. We get one afternoon off per week, and today was that day. Campers left at 10:30 this morning and the new session starts at 2:00 tomorrow. After a much needed 3 hour nap this afternoon after many days of little sleep, I felt rejuvenated and energized to do the workout I had planned.

I hopped on my bike and headed out on a 15 mile loop I discovered a few days ago. There aren't any significant climbs, but the middle 7 miles has some good rollers and that is about all my legs are good for at this point in my training on the bike. The 15 felt good, I was definitely fatigued by the end. I tried to race it at about the pace I think would be appropriate during the race in August, and I was certainly feeling the work by the time I got back to camp. On the turn on to the gravel road, about .25 miles from my stopping point, I got a flat tire. Crap. So I walked the last quarter mile with my bike. It added about 4 min to my transition time, but I'm just thankful I didn't get a flat 10 miles out, that would have been much more problematic. I will have to take my bike to a shop in town and get my tire fixed. After getting back from the bike I changed shoes, grabbed some water, and headed out for the running leg as planned.
